Friday, February 27, 2015

Movie Review: Ida

Recently, I've been trying to read more 'good' literature. I don't want to settle for only reading average works, but I want to read stuff that is widely considered great. This drive to read better has drifted over into my watching patterns as well. Therefore, when I saw that the winner of Best Foreign Film was on Netflix, I decided to watch it.
    Ida is a fairly simple film that takes place in post-WWII Poland.. It's the story of a novice who, just before taking her vows to become a nun, is told she needs to go visit her only living relative. Ida, somewhat surprised, goes to visit her aunt and embarks on a journey to find the graves of her parents. On the way, she discovers a dark secret about her family history (which, if you think about it, is pretty simple since it takes place right after WWII).
The beginning of the film, where the main ideas were set up, I thought this had the potential to be a very interesting film. Then, as Ida went on her road trip, I felt bored. The main story itself (the search for her parents) was predictable and I found myself struggling to pay attention. I didn't understand why this was so widely revered. Then the ending came. And I was blown away.


   Early in the movie, Ida's aunt asks Ida if she has experience any worldly pleasures. Ida responds that she has not. Her aunt says it is a shame, then covers it up by saying that Ida isn't making much of a sacrifice if she's never experience what she's giving up. After her aunt dies, Ida discovers she cannot take her vows without knowing what it is that she is giving up. So she leaves to take care of her aunt's affairs and for her night of debauchery. She smokes, drinks, and meets with the cute boy she had met earlier in her journey. Then, she leaves to go back to the convent. She faces the best the world has to offer and rejects it. It's such a fascinating idea to consider, what true perfection constitutes, that I just had to give the film five stars. I touched on that point in The Missing Kitten, what it truly takes to be perfect, but this film really made me think about that.
   From the way it was made to the way it made me think, this film definitely deserved the Best Foreign Film prize.

   Have you seen Ida? What did you think? If not, is it something you would consider watching? Comment below!

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