Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why I've Been Gone

   It's been a while since I've last posted. And I guess I should post more even though I'm not very good. I don't know if anyone reads this, but the best way to get better is to practice, practice, practice. And posting average stuff is what the internet is for, right?
   Anyway, why have I been absent from this blogging world (blog-o-sphere, as some might call it)? The answer is podcasts. I listen to too many podcasts! That is why I haven't blogged. I have no time for thinking, let alone writing posts! I blame podcasters!
   Okay, so that's not really fair. I obviously have the ability to choose whether or not to listen to podcasts. Like today, for example, when I took a walk for half an hour without listening to a podcast. That is called self -control (especially since I had my MP3 in my pocket).
   So what is the real reason I haven't written a blog post recently? You want the truth? I suppose I should give it to you.
   The truth is that I have been listening to so many podcasts because I don't want to hear my own thoughts. It is hard to be alone with myself. I like something to constantly hold my attention. That's why I watch TV shows and read books: so I don't have time to sit and think. Without sitting and thinking, I don't have ideas for blog posts. Without ideas for blog posts, no blog posts get written.
   However, today, I was listening a podcast on the Discipline of Solitude (which can be found here if you are interested). It reminded me that sometimes I need to step away from the noise and the distractions. And that is why you have a blog post to read today.
   Another reason is that I recently did World Vision's 30 Hour Famine. It is a 30 hour period over which the participants learn about world hunger and starve themselves as a means of recognizing, if only a small amount, of the struggles most of the world goes through. I participated in that famine and went without eating for the full 30 hours. It was difficult, but perhaps one of the hardest parts was the times when we just sat and thought about the plight of the millions of people around the world who go without eating for more than 30 hours. Afterwards, as all the participants sat around a table and stuffed our faces to break our fast, I thought about how difficult it was to fast not just from food but also from the internet and technology (for we weren't allowed computers or phones or MP3s). What would it be like to live in a place where just seeing a computer would be astounding?
   There you go. Thinking does that to me. And now you can think along with me. Hurrah!
   I suppose that's all the thoughts I have for now. Remember, don't allow technology to overwhelm you. Take some time to think and pray. Also, if you feel so inclined, our Youth Group is still raising money for hungry people worldwide and you can help us by donating here. Thank you very much and keep thinking.


  1. Had you done the Famine before? I've done it...5 times, I believe, and every time I realize more of what I take for granted. It's so easy to forget how blessed we are. Is your youth group sending the funds you raise to a specific county?

    "The truth is that I have been listening to so many podcasts because I don't want to hear my own thoughts." I do the same with music. My thoughts tends to go in crazy circles and I usually end up more confused then when I started. :P But, even when I don't want to think, it's good to remember that God said, "Be still and know that I am God."


  2. I had not done it before, and it was very eye opening. We have not chosen a specific place to send the funds. We will probably send it anywhere it is needed.
    Thanks for commenting!
